Tuesday 23 September 2014

Late Update xD

こんにちは People who read my blog, I'm back after 7 months? Well, Hi again!

Over the summer I didn't do much, I completed my bucket list on September 21th by staying Up till 5am :)

                                           -Bucket List-
1. Feel like Summer
2. Go to the beach more then 6 times
3. Have 10+ Sluchys/Slurpees
4. Make a song
5. Have a double sleepover
6. Have a BQQ
7. Dunk in the water
8. Have a water fight
9. Turn 14
10.Get a job
11.Go to camp
12.Get a ran
13. Show mom how to do a loom
14. Teach myself how to do another loom (hexaflexa)
15. Have 10 sleepovers
17. Stay up all night
18. Watch Gravity Falls when it comes out, (on our birthday)

So That's what I completed over the Summer,
I miss Summer, it is my favorite season.

But now I'm thinking Of making a Fall Bucket List.
First thing on it is,
Jump in a pile of leaves :)


So recently, I have been into Anime.
It's all because my friend showed my one episode, Ouran Host Club) and I've been watch Anime every since.

Also I have watched Fruit Baskets, SAO and if it counts SAOffine

Now its September and yesterday was the last day of summer.

On the September 9th I sprained my arm doing a Axle at ice skating so I have had it in a sling for two weeks. But I'm going back to skating on Tuesday :)

I'm going to a homeschooler camp on the 25th of the whole weekend, its going to be lots of fun.

I almost forgot. I turned Fourteen on August 4th! We (Jera and me) had ten friends. It was awesome we went to the beach, had cake and a sleepover :)

I'm Officially Fourteen!

Well that's it for Today

Trazlate: こんにちは = Hello
