Language Arts


Horrible paperwork we have to do

Offensive to us in ways that they don't understand

Marmoo made me do it, when it was

Exhaustingly hard and

Worse than stinky cheese

Outrageous, how dare they, give us such a

Ridiculous, reoccuring requirement

Kick it!


Lots of different flavors and colors like


Licrice too

Licking them is so much fun!

Ice blue and


Or Sour apple, Yum yum

Purple grape

Sour Lollipops too, But all lollipops are YUMMY!



Expository Essay

      Sienna Nichols

Why Lollipops Were Invented

Sweeter than apple pie, a delectible sensation that leaves your mouth wanting more. Lollipops are yummy and delicious! Have you ever wondered how they were made? Surprisingly, lollipops were named by George Smith in 1908, after his favorite racing horse. He wanted to make a candy that kids could hold, so they didn't get their hands sticky. He made the first lollipops by hand, not by a machine, as they are manufactured today.

It is believed that the invention of the lollipop was by cave people thousands of years ago. They collected honey from beehives with a stick. Then they licked the honey on the stick just as we do today. Lollipop type candy first appeared in America in 1861. There is some speculation that lollipops were invented during the American Civil War (1861–1865).
George Smith discovered the combination of putting a candy on a stick, after experimenting with many different methods. Originally, lollipop candies were soft rather than hard, as we have today. At first like any new invention, lollipops weren't popular because few people knew about them. Today, lollipops are the 79th most popular candy in the world.

     Back in 1908, (when the first lollipops were created), they made about fifty a day. Each individual lollipop was formed by hand. It would take hours to make ten to sell. Modern companies such as the Spangler Candy Company have electronic machines making lollipops that now manufacture 3,000,000 per day.                                                                                                                                                                      

  The first lollipop machine invented was not by George Smith, but by Samual Born. He was a Russian immigrant who wanted to make some money. So, in 1916, he invented a machine called The Born Sucker Machine. He didn't only make lollipops, he is also credited with inventing chocolate sprinkles.

When lollipops were invented in the 1900s, they were used to carry medications in them. Today, you drink your medicine out of a medicine cup, back then you licked your medicine. Sadly, they don't carry medicine in lollipops anymore because someone could overdose and make themself very sick. Also, the lollipop company didn't want medicinal lolipops in the market because kids might think all lollipops have medicine in them.
Originally, lollipops only had one flavor, Red Cherry. Now, if you look around in your local store you'll see many different flavors, colors and brands. For example, Red Cherry, Blue Rasberry, Green Apple, Dum Dums, Jollyranchers, Wanka, Fez and lots lots more. My favorite flavor is Blue Rasberry. An interesting fact about lollipops; in Northern England they were called Tongue Slaps. Tongue means Lolly and Pop means Slap.
Lollipops have changed significantly since the early 1900s when they were used to carry medications. Now when you go to your doctor, they give you a lollipop without medicine. When you pick up modern candy on a stick, your hands don't get sticky. That's the reason why George Smith invented the lollipop. Next time you go in your local store, treat yourself to an enjoyable tongue slap.












A limerick is: a short, fun and meaningful poem. "Limericks" were first created in Limerick, a town in Ireland. Limericks were originally written by people as pub songs.

Limericks have five anapaestic (two short syllables followed by one long one. eg sev en teen) lines.
Lines 1, 2 and 5 of Limericks have seven to ten syllables and rhyme with one another.
Lines 3 and 4 of Limericks have five to seven syllables and also rhyme with each other.

My favourite limerick is: There was an Old man in a boat
                                           Who said "I'm afloat","Im afloat"
                                           When they said "No!,you ain't.
                                                 He was ready to faint.
                                              That unhappy Old Man in a boat.

My Limericks

A Young Chick from Peru

There was a young chick from Peru,
that caught an abominable flu.       
                                                                So the doctors said,  
"Get off to bed!"
That poor young chick from Peru.
Dancing Mango

There was a delightfully, scrumptious mango,
                                                          that loved to dance the tango.
It danced all night,
until the daylight.
which gave him a fright, poor scrumptious mango. 

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