Thursday 27 June 2013


Përshëndetje, people who read my blog post. It's me! SIENNA back with a new blog post? Ok? Anyway right at this very second I'm jumping up and down on  a very nice couch. Oh.... it broke. JUST KIDDING!! Im eating frozen cherries from our cherry tree.

You might be wondering..... What sock size I am?.... But that not what's important right now. It's summer break right now. Who wears sock over summer break anyway? I'll tell you in the winter. Why did I call my blog post SBIHLHSF.


I have a list that of things I want to do over  the summer. As I said in my last blog post. IVE ALREADY DONE ACCOMPLISHED 2?...  1. CLIMB A TREE,  2 GO OUTSIDE AT MIDNIGHT!!!
2 out of 19 done ...77 more to go....wait...that's not right......oooo....17 to go... Well it had a 7 in it.

Also over the summer I going to Maple Springs Camp. It's going to be awesome. 1 week out in cabins.
I plan to go to the beach a lot also. I LOVE THE BEACH.

My birthday is coming up very soon. This year, I'm turning 13 (right now I'm still 12)

Simsim (my hamster, that's still alive) is turn 1 year on AUGUST 19TH!
I don't want summer to be over it's so FUN.

Don't get me wrong I like school. I just like summer better. LOL

We that's all that's coming up over the summer so.... I'll post more if anything interesting happens. And I'll try and keep up my blog over this summer. IT'S GOING TO BE HARD 'CAUSE I GOING TO BE OUT HAVING FUN!

So talk to u soon

Ok We and Jera (if u dont remember jera is my twin bro) BE RIGHT BACK

Im making a bagal not a dog a bagal bagal. Ok


Its 38 on thusday so i was going to call this blog post thuday but it was this other word the i disided on a made up word.

Im just random trying.

ok gtg dentce or whatever u say it, ok joke

Knock Knock


Tuesday 18 June 2013

My name its Sienna and im back with an awsome post called...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUMMER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, oh almost forgot G'day to the people who came back for another blog post.
Thanks for coming on down.

Today's blog post is what I did since my last blog post. Ok I'll write now.

Um.... What should I write? ummmmmmm............ GOT IT! um.. no....ok..what did I do over.....

Ok got it.

Since I live in a place at this address and this time, I END SCHOOL FOR THE SUMMER THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!  

So I wrote a list about all the "things" I can do over the summer.

Coming in at number 3, I have a SLUMBER PARTY! Number 1 is Climb a Tree.

Some of these seem to be dumb like (kiss my hand) but its My A-c-c-o-m-p-l-i-s-h-m-e-n-t  LIST!

One of my things is over at the list) 4. STAY UP ALL NIGHT. Which reminds me of my favorite song by One direction, "Live while you're young."


Sorry I got out of hand. I'm just so excited for the summer holidays.

(In the backround) "LUNCH!"

Sorry gtg bye

G'day=good day

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Moo who
Moo you

