Thursday 17 October 2013

Bonjour gens, c'est un poste aléatoire

привет, I'm back. Hello AGAIN. So Halloween is coming up!


Last weekend we decided to go to a pumpkin patch to gather some pumpkins to decorate our front porch. We collected pumpkins of all different sizes.
First I picked my favorite pumpkin. Guess what I named him... BOB. My family and I went to Oliver to pick Bob and his friends to take home, some to decorate and some to cook into pumpkin soup.

Me holding Bob before I cut him in half and killed him. Not to be mean or anything.
1. Kill the pumpkin. Hee Heee (devil smile)
2. Look pretty like you didn't do anything wrong.
                                                                The end product.

For Halloween, I'm going to be Mabel, from my Favorite Tv show Gravity Falls. Jera (my brother) is going to be Dipper. Here's a picture of them in their Halloween costumes from the show.
Mabel and Dipper are 12 year old twins. They remind me of Jera and me. Mabel even has braces, like me.

Me, my friend Matraya and Jera are all going to stay up and watch a movie and eat our candy after we finish trick -o- treating. This is my last year, so I'm going to get as much candy as possible. :)

Guess what! I'm awesome! Lol!
For school I'm doing a report on LOLLYPOPS!
I've finished the introductory paragraph and I'm working on the research.

Anyway I LOVE Lollypops
Also I'm going back to Maple Springs Bible Camp. I went there over the summer and it was awesome. We played field games. Went to the beach and made campfires. Sung songs, and had tons of fun.

In the afternoons we had the choice of different activities. There were 8 activities. I can name them all but you could only pick 6 out of 8. I picked (keep in mind it was summer) Water sports, Field sports, Drama, Music... ( I forget the rest).

At night we played Mission Impossible. We had to get four objects. (a knife, a fork, a glowstick, a plate). I only got up to the glowstick (which was the first item). It was so hard to find everything in the dark.

Everyday, at one, we got to pick a bag of candy. It's called Tuck Time.
The summer Maple Springs trip lasted 8 days! I'm going this weekend.
It's only for a weekend this time not a whole week like in summer.

This is the whole Maple Springs group. This was called Chapel time. We do it every night before bed and in the morning after breakfast. Can you see Jera and me?

So anyway....
The weather is getting colder. It gets to 15 degrees most days now.

COLD (well not really). But I miss the summer sun.

Before I go JOKE TIME again.

Knock Knock
Whos there
Lunch who?
If u want lunch get it yourself


(not funny 'bye)

Hello people, this is a random note: Bonjour gens, c'est un poste aléatoire
Hello: привет



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