Friday 31 January 2014

Trees Trees everywere! :)

Hej, this is Sienna back with another quick blog post.

 I've always liked to sit in trees. When you sit in them you feel connected to nature.
This is a tree at Coconut Island isn't she beautiful?

Tall palm tree? Well here's a surprise, it's TWO pictures but the same tree :O
In Hilo there are lots of palm trees everywhere you look. Some lining the shopping malls and  parking lots and all down the streets.

Welcome to The Magical Forest.
In the Magical Forest there are huge trees!
Just like this one I'm standing under.
I actually tried to climb this huge, magical tree. I only climbed up to the second branch.
This is a banyan tree.


Picture of  Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
When Amelia was little she always had the dream to fly. 

Amelia's first attempt was on March 17, 1937 
she made it to Honolulu, Hawaii  then crashed. She flew west from the US in her first attempt.

On her second attempt, she took off from New Guinea and was headed to a small remote island but she was never heard of again. They believe her plan ran out of fuel and crashed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. She almost flew all the way around the World. She still 7,000 miles to go.

She is famous today because she was the first woman to attempt to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and attempt to fly around the world. She was also one of the first women pilots.

On Banyan Dr where we have been staying there is a tree with her name on it to honor her. 
This is me and Jera standing next to Amelia Earhart.

Thanks for reading this blog post about Amelia Earhart.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Places Places

Hiujambo, this is Sienna, back with another blog post!

This is King Kamehameha or should I say  King Kalani Paiʻea Wohi o Kaleikini Kealiʻikui Kamehameha o ʻIolani i Kaiwikapu kauʻi Ka Liholiho Kūnuiākea of the Hawaiian Islands. 
What a name!

He was king from 1758-1819 (because, in 1819,when he was 60, he died.)

When he was born, King Kamehameha's mother hid her son from everyone. Finally, when he was age five, he was allowed out of hiding. From then on, his uncle trained him to be the ultimate warrior. His uncle ruled most of the Hawaiian Islands,when he died kingship of the islands was handed down to King Kamehameha.

The people of Hawai'i believed in a god inside the volcano, (Pele the god of the Volcano). To stop it erupting he threw pretty young woman in there. The women thought it was a honour to be thrown in the volcano. Even though they sacrificed the young womans lives Pele stayed the same. The young woman were just wasting there lives for this god. But King Kamehameha thought it helped that's why he did it.


  Do you know the stone in front of the Hilo Library? If not there is a famous stone in front of the Hilo library that's 5,000 pounds!! Could you lift that?
Well, you would be like everyone in the whole village!
King Kamhameha lifted this as legend said.

After we left King Kamhameha, my family and I visited
The Pana'ewa Petting Zoo
Where their is a diversity of animals, ranging from turtles to tigers and parrots to pigs.

 This is a Goat. I was feeding it grass and grains. He is adorable, his hair felt rough against your fingers.

Did you know pigs love to get their back scratched?  But, this one just loved it's food, didn't really care if we scratched it's back or not.

This is a guinea pig (as you probably know) you might have one at home. 
Her name is Coco
Coco loves attention! She really likes it when you scratched under her chin.

Coco reminds me of my guinea pig I had when I was four.
My guinea pig's name was Serafina. Serafina loved to eat paper for some reason. Then one day we left her outside in the burning summer heat (not on purpose) and killed them.

Serafina's up there now

Thanks for reading my blog post
Have a nice day :)

Hiujambo (Hi)


Wednesday 8 January 2014

The 'Imiloa Plantarium

Helo people,

This week we went to the 'Imiloa Planetarium!
We saw a really interesting show called, "Back To The Moon For Good."

A Planetarium is were you sit in a dark area, if you look up there is a big screen that covers the whole ceiling. The room goes dark and the only light is the big green screen on the roof. Then the stars come out, just like the night sky. For this show it read, "BACK TO THE MOON FOR GOOD."

What really stuck out to me in the whole show (which was 45 minutes) was there is a world wide contest to go back to the moon.
Groups of people from around the world have the task to construct an aircraft (rocket) that can land on the moon safely, then travel fifty meters away from it's landing spot.

If you make it,  you win millions of dollars. No one's been successful yet. Maybe you could win?

If you what to find out more go to this website.

When the show ended, we walked out to a warm day of 26 degrees and light rain, but at least there was no snow.

We got in the car and....

Our car wouldn't start!!
My dad had run out gas and it was raining. It was about a twenty minute walk to town.
(and yes I'm writing this blog post on the street in rain because we couldn't get home lol)

Dad called the tow truck and they said they would get there at five o'clock, in an hour.
After about 15 minutes we (Mum, Jera and me) decided to walk.
We started up the road covered in black plastic bags to protect us from the rain.

After we trampled and pushed our way though a bushy green forest, we discovered an old lava site!
Hardened black lava covered the area. We left the lava site strolled down a small tract leading to town, where cars whooshed past us.

After a while we heard BEEP BEEP!
It was my DAD!
He got gas from the tow truck guys!
After that long day we drove home
That was my Sunday!
Now I'm safely home writing my blog for you now.

Thanks for reading this

Friday 3 January 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

அதிக, Everyone! près heureux,
Today my blog post is about New Year Resolutions!
(there may be one silly one)
1. To be fully gluten Free. (by the end of the year)
2. To eat the most LOLLIPOPS EVER! (by tomorrow)
3.  To take up hypnotherapy with marmoo (this year)
4. To go back to Australia (this year)
5.  To prepare of Paris (because when I'm 18 I want to go to Paris)
6. Spend less time on Our World  (if possible)
7. Turn 14

That's it! if i think of more, I'll add them.
What is ur New Years Resolution?

How did you celebrate ur New year?
We got fireworks and went to Coconut Island and let them go. It was sooo much fun!
Jera and I have a fresh lai on.

Thanks for reading