Friday 3 January 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

அதிக, Everyone! près heureux,
Today my blog post is about New Year Resolutions!
(there may be one silly one)
1. To be fully gluten Free. (by the end of the year)
2. To eat the most LOLLIPOPS EVER! (by tomorrow)
3.  To take up hypnotherapy with marmoo (this year)
4. To go back to Australia (this year)
5.  To prepare of Paris (because when I'm 18 I want to go to Paris)
6. Spend less time on Our World  (if possible)
7. Turn 14

That's it! if i think of more, I'll add them.
What is ur New Years Resolution?

How did you celebrate ur New year?
We got fireworks and went to Coconut Island and let them go. It was sooo much fun!
Jera and I have a fresh lai on.

Thanks for reading

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