Saturday 18 January 2014

Places Places

Hiujambo, this is Sienna, back with another blog post!

This is King Kamehameha or should I say  King Kalani Paiʻea Wohi o Kaleikini Kealiʻikui Kamehameha o ʻIolani i Kaiwikapu kauʻi Ka Liholiho Kūnuiākea of the Hawaiian Islands. 
What a name!

He was king from 1758-1819 (because, in 1819,when he was 60, he died.)

When he was born, King Kamehameha's mother hid her son from everyone. Finally, when he was age five, he was allowed out of hiding. From then on, his uncle trained him to be the ultimate warrior. His uncle ruled most of the Hawaiian Islands,when he died kingship of the islands was handed down to King Kamehameha.

The people of Hawai'i believed in a god inside the volcano, (Pele the god of the Volcano). To stop it erupting he threw pretty young woman in there. The women thought it was a honour to be thrown in the volcano. Even though they sacrificed the young womans lives Pele stayed the same. The young woman were just wasting there lives for this god. But King Kamehameha thought it helped that's why he did it.


  Do you know the stone in front of the Hilo Library? If not there is a famous stone in front of the Hilo library that's 5,000 pounds!! Could you lift that?
Well, you would be like everyone in the whole village!
King Kamhameha lifted this as legend said.

After we left King Kamhameha, my family and I visited
The Pana'ewa Petting Zoo
Where their is a diversity of animals, ranging from turtles to tigers and parrots to pigs.

 This is a Goat. I was feeding it grass and grains. He is adorable, his hair felt rough against your fingers.

Did you know pigs love to get their back scratched?  But, this one just loved it's food, didn't really care if we scratched it's back or not.

This is a guinea pig (as you probably know) you might have one at home. 
Her name is Coco
Coco loves attention! She really likes it when you scratched under her chin.

Coco reminds me of my guinea pig I had when I was four.
My guinea pig's name was Serafina. Serafina loved to eat paper for some reason. Then one day we left her outside in the burning summer heat (not on purpose) and killed them.

Serafina's up there now

Thanks for reading my blog post
Have a nice day :)

Hiujambo (Hi)


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