Friday 27 December 2013

Snow or Sun?

Aloha, What would u rather? The brisk winter wind or The warm sunny breeze? Well my family decided we were sick of the brisk cold winter winds and -14 weather and we wanted the sunny breeze and 26 degrees. So guess where we are now?

                                             !!!!WE'RE IN HILO HAWAI'I!!!!

...where beautiful waterfalls live. This waterfall is Rainbow falls.
It's beautiful isn't it?
In Hilo there are beautiful trees I like to climb

This is Coconut Island and of course I'm up in a tree!
 This is a HUGE tree just like The Redwoods in Northern California. I felt like I was in a fairy land.

Here's a pic of me with Jera in front of the Christmas tree at the Hilton Resort, where we spent Christmas 2013. 

This a photo of me sipping a cocktail. We went to a Luau. After we ate, my family sat down to watch women hula dance and the guys danced with FIRE!!! One guy had fire in both hands and then threw it in the air! After the Luau we walked around the Hilton. That night Jera and I stayed up 'till midnight because it was CHRISTMAS!!


A Luau is a Hawaiian party or feast used for entertainment.
Here are some of the exotic birds. They were so Adorable!! They could repeat words after you! 
This is me (Jera is in the background) loving the sunshine and water at the Hilton beach. I'm just enjoying a lovely day.

Thanks for reading my blog post.
P.S. I hope you had a really Merry Christmas!!!!

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