Monday 26 November 2012

My Weekend!

Bonjour, this is Sienna, if u didn't know.
Here's another blog post.

Here are some activities I did over my weekend:

1. Hiking:

2. Sleepover:

3. Cooked a cake:

4. Went to a craft fair.

5. Ummmm............

6. Watched half of a movie

1. It was on a sunny, cold fall day in November, when Sienna and her family went hiking....
(This is not a story, why did a write it like one?)


We went up the bluffs.We sat on rocks and climbed hills until we got to the most beautiful, epic site ever. The sun was setting over the mountains, with Skaha lake and some hills around it.
We stayed up on the bluffs for 15 or so minutes.
Then skidded down the hills and jumped into our car. Then drove home.

Me in fall.
Me in spring.


We're hiking to the top, before night falls.

This is the beautiful sunset.

2. Friday night
I had a sleepover with a friend.
We stayed up 'till 12:00.
The next morning we watched a lot of tv.

3. Then when we got sick of tv, we baked a cake.
But we didn't have the patty pans for the cakes, so we walked to Walmart to buy some.
The cakes were yummy!

After we baked the cake, we went to a craft fair.

4. At the Craft Fair.
I made a gingerbread house, a stocking and last but not least, a Christmas tree.

5. Ummmmmmmm......................................

6.  I watched a movie 'till Jera and mum got home at 9:00pm. They were at play practise.

So that's what I did over the weekend.

My weekend was:

Interesting, Amusing, Fantastic, Awesome, Epic, Fun.


(Last post snowman's name was Bob)


Monday 19 November 2012


Bok peoples of the world.Guess who this is?.....Have u guessed yet?
Well it's me Sienna! If you still don't know, here's a picture of me.
                                                I LOVE THE SNOW!!!!

Guess what! One day we were piling leaves and then, over night it SNOWED!!! It was so pretty! The next morning, we had a snow ball fight. Then I built a small, cute, adorable SNOWMAN! I always get so EXITED when we have our first snowfall. It was so much FUN!

This our front yard covered in snow.
In this picture, I'm about to throw a snowball at my brother, Jera.
Also, I made a tiny snowman.
Then we made an army of snowmen and snowgirls.Oh look...Here's a picture of my snowman!

This my snowman, McBill Nayta Myitoo. I built him on November 10th at 10:01, nine days ago.
It snowed all night and I made my first snowball at 10:30 at night.
It is still in my freezer to this second and I'm planning to keep it there 'till summer 2013.

I'm making Mcbill Nayta Myitoo a friend in this picture. I named her Jikmye Kantrin McAzgie. She is female. I think they melted happily together.

In memory of eight snowmen who only lived for 3 hours:

McBill Nayta Myitoo and Jikmye Kantrin McAzgie
Mazztiy Annta Maypnoo and Seanzi Uniove Nunyie
Qoibe Zan'mie Pomdy and Snyzzo MeKinp Pino'
Awhumoo Mo'Ysnie Ayz and Pilici Sarlatan Za Mlijeko

And one more snowman, that my brother made and wanted me to add.
But he has such a normal name!:
His name is.......
(tell u on the next post)


See on the next post........


Monday 12 November 2012


 Hi people of the world, it's me, Sienna! Yesterday, my epic, twin brother, Jera and I were playing in the colourful leaves.We're at our grandma's, in her yard. Her name is, Mets, and she is ninety-two. But she still makes nice, hot lunches.

I'm eating a leaf, 'cause I'm still hungry.Jera is trying to quack in this picture. I think his is glad I'm eating the leaf.
I'm collecting leaves for our biggest leaf pile ever. See all those leaves? We were trying to put all of them in a pile. It didn't get very big, though it was fun.

After our leaf pile Mum gave us some warm, hot coco. It was good! While we were drinking our warm, hot coco Buddy was trying to find a chipmonk. Here's a picture of it.
It's not a chipmonk, it's a squirrel. Do you know the difference between a chipmonk and a squirrel?
A squirrel has a horizonral tail when he/she's running. On the other hand a chipmonk has a vertical tail when it runs.

This is Buddy, chewing on a yummy stick in the backyard. Isn't he to die for?
This is the chipmunk who we named Bill. He is eating a walnut in a shead, where he made his home. He stores his nuts in our backyard, in a bird house.We have a walnut tree,where Bill gets all the walnuts. Bill collects our walnuts then stores them in the bird house. 
 Jera and I are making a little more pocket money by cleaning up people's yard mess. Our business is called K. L.Y.S (Kids Lawn Yard Service).Call us if you need us to: Shovel snow, rake leaves or water your garden.
At the end of our day, we went inside and left Bill and the beautiful leaves outside in the cold, fall night. But what we didn't know was........

Monday 5 November 2012


This is everything that I did over my weekend. On Saturday, I went to the craft fair that my Mum and Dad worked at. I also had a friend there so we went around the Christmas Craft Fair just hanging out together. We stayed at the market for 5h and then went to Mets' (my grandmother) house for lunch at 12:00.

On Sunday I was so excited because we went to the movies. We saw Hotel Transylvania. It was Epic! I give it:
Also I went to church on Sunday morning. It was fun. We got snacks and watched a movie about suffering. I give the star rating the same as the movie.
Last week, I went to a new youth group, Beautiful Girls," for the first time. It was so much FUN!
We carved pumpkins and got to dance around to our favorite songs in our halloween costumes.