Monday 19 November 2012


Bok peoples of the world.Guess who this is?.....Have u guessed yet?
Well it's me Sienna! If you still don't know, here's a picture of me.
                                                I LOVE THE SNOW!!!!

Guess what! One day we were piling leaves and then, over night it SNOWED!!! It was so pretty! The next morning, we had a snow ball fight. Then I built a small, cute, adorable SNOWMAN! I always get so EXITED when we have our first snowfall. It was so much FUN!

This our front yard covered in snow.
In this picture, I'm about to throw a snowball at my brother, Jera.
Also, I made a tiny snowman.
Then we made an army of snowmen and snowgirls.Oh look...Here's a picture of my snowman!

This my snowman, McBill Nayta Myitoo. I built him on November 10th at 10:01, nine days ago.
It snowed all night and I made my first snowball at 10:30 at night.
It is still in my freezer to this second and I'm planning to keep it there 'till summer 2013.

I'm making Mcbill Nayta Myitoo a friend in this picture. I named her Jikmye Kantrin McAzgie. She is female. I think they melted happily together.

In memory of eight snowmen who only lived for 3 hours:

McBill Nayta Myitoo and Jikmye Kantrin McAzgie
Mazztiy Annta Maypnoo and Seanzi Uniove Nunyie
Qoibe Zan'mie Pomdy and Snyzzo MeKinp Pino'
Awhumoo Mo'Ysnie Ayz and Pilici Sarlatan Za Mlijeko

And one more snowman, that my brother made and wanted me to add.
But he has such a normal name!:
His name is.......
(tell u on the next post)


See on the next post........


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