Sunday 23 February 2014

An Extra Day :D

Hallo, people who read my blog! I'm back with yet another blog post!

 An unexpected delay occurred after spending four hours on the tarmac.
All we wanted to do was leave Hawai'i!
The overhead speaker came on and said, "This plane won't take off today, so we're putting all of you up at the Hilton Resort!!!"

I felt like I wanted to scream. The Hilton is a really fancy place!
Plus, they also gave us a $30 coupon for dinner each, $120 dollars to spend on dinner.

(Check out my brother Jera's blog for more)
Us just hang out in the pool. Most of the water slides were closed but the pool was still open.
So for about 1hr before dinner we swam! The Hilton was so cool!

At the Hilton, they even have their own beach, where I built this awesome sandcastle. It was kinda hard because the waves kept on knocking it over. In hindsight, I should have built it further up the beach, away from the waves.

Turtles and penguins  are soooooo cute! Their habitat was a pond at the Hilton. Don't worry they weren't penguins from the Arctic. They're African penguins, so they're used to the hot climate.
There was this one penguin who could not stop looking at himself in the mirror.
The turtles were just lazy no action from them, except one who swam up to us. 

See this beautiful harbor?
On December 7th 1941, Pearl Habor was bombed by the Japanese.
That's when America entered Would War 2. 
In August 1945, America dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan cities (Nagasaki, Hiroshima)
Little Boy was dropped on August 6, and fat Man was dropped August 9th.
The bombs destroyed their whole cities.
60,000 to 70,000 people died in the destruction. For months after many people died from burns and radiation sickness.
Sadly, for decades, babies in Japan were born with genetic deformities, because the radiation fall out.
That's when Japan ceased fighting in World War 2 .
Have a moment of silence or those who died

Pearl Harbor Memorial

At the Pacific Aviation Museum they had artifacts from planes and bombs from World War 2.
It was a really cool exhibition. See Jera's blog for more details.

Have a nice day

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