Friday 12 October 2012

Vancouver Aquarium

Hi, it's me Sienna. A few weeks ago we went to the Vancouver Aquarium. This is a picture of me next to the Beluga Whales.

                  That night we slept next to them they glowed in the darkness. I got to sleep at 1am.

These Penguins just sat there 'cause there were new to the Vancouver Aquarium. The blue tags mean they're boys. The pink tag mean they are girls.One of the penguins went in the water for a little swim.

In this picture I'm holding a Monarch butterfly. It just landed on my hand. One of my friends called the butterfly that landed on him Bob.

This is a  dolphin doing a show for us. He did flips and dives.It was very interesting to watch.

This is me in with the frogs' habitat.There is a brown one with black spots in front of me, and a green tree frog camoflaged. Try and find it! There are about twenty frogs in this tank.
This is a sleeping snake curled up on a branch.Lets not wake up the snake.Shhh!

This an pretty electric blue bird. My mum took this picture. Thank u mum. My favourite colour is blue so this is my favourite colour of bird.

This is everyone that attended the overnight sleepover. I'm the third person on the left side.

After the Vancouver Aquarium we went to a beach.

This is me my twin brother Jera and my Dad searching for shells with me. We found a crab shell with no crab in it and some other pretty shells.

Last week, we went to the Vancouver Aquarium for an overnight camp with 30 other homeschoolers and their families. We slept with the Baluga Whales. Don't worry we didn't drown! We were sleeping outside the tank. After the Aquarium closed the doors for the night, we had a fun time exploring the marine labs and touching sea stars, sea urchins, crabs, anemones and snake skins. Then we were allowed to wander around the Aquarium and check out the other creatures in their habitats. When the lights went out the Belugas started to perform as if they where saying, "Watch meeeeeeeee".  It was amazing to sleep listening to their sounds as they swam. We didn't get to sleep until 1 am. Next morning we met the dolphins and watched them perform tricks. Our favourite was a porpoise (his name was Jack) who came up to talk to us, only we did not understand him. Oh well! We had a great trip!
                                                                                                             ~ Sienna Nichols, yr. 7
Bye see you on the next post.

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