Wednesday 17 October 2012


Boo, it's me Sienna.
OMG I can't wait 'till HALLOWEEN!
Only TWO days away in Canada, where I live.
In Australia where I was born it's only ONE day away. But they hardly celebrate Halloween.

Yesterday, my brother, Jera, and I carved pumpkins. Mine's not scary at all. It has square eyes and a "D" mouth. It looks funny. I had a friend over, so she carved one too. It was a lot of fun. I can't wait 'till Halloween.

This is me holding up my cute, non-scary pumpkin. His name is Bob. Bob is very heavy. He is also very orange.

I love Halloween.You go out at night and collect candy. All kids, probably 1-14 years old, are out on the street or at someone's house collecting candy. I'm twelve, turning thirteen on August fourth.

My favourite holidays are: Christmas, Halloween and My Birthday, because:
1. Christmas because u get to spend time with your family and get presents from Santa and decorate the tree.
2.Halloween 'cause u get to dress up in these spooky or non-spooky costumes and go around trick-o-treating. Also you get to hand out treats.
3.My birthday 'cause u get presents and age up.You get to do special things also. Plus you get spend time with your family.

So that's why I'm exited for Halloween!

This is my dad, carving Bob's head. Poor Bob!
This is Jera, (The boy in the gray top with the brown hair), Jenna (one of my friends who had a sleepover and stayed for caving pumpkins),  with brown hair pink shirt. And me, Sienna, in the blue shirt caving Bob. Bob,(Orange pumpkin that Jenna and I are carving).

Now some questions for you.
What are you going to dress up as?
Do you like Halloween?
Do you celebrate Halloween?
Do you like candy?
What kind of candy is your favourite?

Before I go, here are some spooky facts about halloween.

1. Halloween used to be called all hallows' eve.
2.People used to do a trick and then they would get a treat. Today you just get the mouth-watering candy.
3. On November 1, there was a holiday called Hallomas were people give out food to the poor.
4. In France, many years ago they celebrated Halloween on November 2.
5. The history of Halloween goes back almost two thousand years ago.


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