Friday 27 December 2013

Snow or Sun?

Aloha, What would u rather? The brisk winter wind or The warm sunny breeze? Well my family decided we were sick of the brisk cold winter winds and -14 weather and we wanted the sunny breeze and 26 degrees. So guess where we are now?

                                             !!!!WE'RE IN HILO HAWAI'I!!!!

...where beautiful waterfalls live. This waterfall is Rainbow falls.
It's beautiful isn't it?
In Hilo there are beautiful trees I like to climb

This is Coconut Island and of course I'm up in a tree!
 This is a HUGE tree just like The Redwoods in Northern California. I felt like I was in a fairy land.

Here's a pic of me with Jera in front of the Christmas tree at the Hilton Resort, where we spent Christmas 2013. 

This a photo of me sipping a cocktail. We went to a Luau. After we ate, my family sat down to watch women hula dance and the guys danced with FIRE!!! One guy had fire in both hands and then threw it in the air! After the Luau we walked around the Hilton. That night Jera and I stayed up 'till midnight because it was CHRISTMAS!!


A Luau is a Hawaiian party or feast used for entertainment.
Here are some of the exotic birds. They were so Adorable!! They could repeat words after you! 
This is me (Jera is in the background) loving the sunshine and water at the Hilton beach. I'm just enjoying a lovely day.

Thanks for reading my blog post.
P.S. I hope you had a really Merry Christmas!!!!

Sunday 8 December 2013

Fun things to do!

This is my awesome bag I got in the store. Just kidding, I MADE IT MYSELF!!(Credit to my mum too). I picked the fabric and made it in about 2 weeks. We're going to Hawaii for 2 months! In 4 days!!! We made beach bags so we can put money, books, school work, pencils (there's a pencil pocket on the right side and a money pocket inside) and our bathers in them.
Me with my bag.

Here's some poetry we had fun with this week.

An acrostic is a poem in which the first letters of each line spell out a word or phrase. Here's one we did together called...

Horrible paperwork we have to do.

Offensive to us in ways that they don't understand

Marmoo made me do it, when it was

Exhaustingly hard and

Worse than stinky cheese.

Outrageous, how dare they, give us such a

Ridiculous, reoccurring requirement.

Kick it!

Here's one I did for LOLLIPOPS

Lots of different flavors and colors like


Licorice too.

Licking them is so much fun!

Ice blue and


Or Sour apple, Yum yum!

Purple grape

Sour lollipops too, but all lollipops are YUMMY!

Hope you liked them.

See you in Hawaii.

Sunday 1 December 2013


Hola, this week I GOT MY BRACES OFF! WOOT WOOT!!!

I was So EXITED. Since, I've had them for three years, I was soooo sick of them. Unfortunately, I have to wear a mouth guard for about a year. But at least it comes in a variety of colors and tastes like different flavors. YAY

                                                      This is me getting my braces off.      
                          Andrea is the Dental Assistant. She was so kind and patient with me.                         

After                                                                             Before

Thanks for reading this short post.

Friday 29 November 2013

Active Week!

Ash, people who read my blog. So I like to Ice skate. I've been doing it for about four years and I skate four times a week. It's really fun. Here's me showing my bestie a spin. We go to free skating every Wednesday at 12-1 pm. I hate having to wear a helmet for the free skate days. I never wear it when I'm figure skating.
Below is me playing Badminton. I'm trying though I'm not that good at it. We played a game and
This is the same day as skating. So I go skating four times a week. Monday, Tues, Wed Thu. Friday is my day off!  

I know this is a short post. But I don't have much to say. So thanks for reading my post and thanks for the 12 views!

Ash- Hi



Hiya, it's me Sienna, back with another blog post.  This blog post is about MINECRAFT!!!

Last weekend, Jera and I got a Mojang Minecraft account.

There are a lot of entertaining adventures to do on Minecraft.

Like Pvp (player verses player). It's where you suit up in your best armor (be prepared to lose it). If you don't wanna lose your armor dress up in Gold or Chainmail armor, (if you wondering) it's actually better the gold. By 1.5 armor icons.

When you kill the other person, you can get their stuff on some servers. But, on other servers, you keep your stuff, but your damage decreases every time someone hits you by .5

Now, on to Swords. There are lots of different Minecraft Swords. Like (strongest to weakest) Diamond, Iron, Wooden, Stone, Gold. There are no Chainmail or Leather swords.

Well, now you know what armor is strongest and weakest.

In Pvp you run into a arena and start killing people. But sometimes it soooooooooooo unfair. There are ranks on the servers like Creative, Flying and lots more. Some people in higher ranks kill people on lower ranks, like me. Sometimes they all gang up and corner one person. But it's fun anyway!

On to Creating
You can create almost anything on Minecraft. A few weeks ago I created a Lollipop. It was awesome.

There is two different modes: Creative and Survival, where you get resources, gain levels, and make sure to watch your heath and hunger.

This first one is Creative (flying, crafting, building)

Survival (eating, health, crafting, building)

This is our Skin. Guess what it is? If you guessed duck you're correct. Our favorite animal is a duck so our skin is a duck. Its silly. But we love it.
It's a ducky skin is it?

At night (night and day last about 10 minutes),  there are Creepers, Zombies, Skellies, Spiders,  that will kill you.
Here's a picture.
Chicken and Pig in the front
Creepers that explode on you and take you down to 1 heart.
Zombies will hit you and get rid of 1 heart
Skeletons will shoot you and get rid of 1 heart
Spiders will hit you and get rid of 1 heart
PigMan (like zombies)
Steve (your chapter till you change it or not) (mine's a duck)

Thanks For Reading this post.


Friday 1 November 2013

HAPPY Halloween

Ta-da presenting Strawberry jam and Peanut butter! Lots of people commented on our costume.

I love trick or treating because there are tons of candy and fun costumes. This year will probably be our last year candy gathering so we wanted to do something big!


See the resemblance?

This picture is from our favorite t.v show Gravity Falls. Dipper and Mabel (12 year old twins) go trick or treating dressed up as Peanut butter and Strawberry jam. That's where we got the idea for our costumes.

In this episode Dipper and Mable get cursed by the Summerween trickster. Since Gravity falls likes Halloween so much, they celebrate twice a year, one in October and one in June. The Summerween Trickster is a scary monster made out of all the candy people (I'm looking at you) leave at the bottom of their bags.

Pic of him....

Mabel and Dipper have to collect 500 candies or they will get eaten.

My bestie Matraya (middle) came with us. She was dressed as Wendy from Gravity Falls.
She's older than Dipper and Mabel and Dipper is in love with her.

 Some stores in Cherry lane Shopping Center gave out candy, so we drove there and trick or treated in the mall. Since Jera and I deliver newspapers to some of the stores, most of the employees knew us. One shop called me Strawberry Newspaper girl. Also one of the stalls took a picture of us to put in the newspaper.

                             Below you can see Matraya and I with LOTS of candy, yum yum!

    We are about to hit the streets. We went down 6 streets for over 500 candies. In the episode of Gravity falls, Mabel and Dipper go trick or treating after getting cursed  by the Summerween Trickster. The Summerween trickseter is a mythical monster. If they don't get 500 candies they'll get eaten. So we set a goal to get over 500 candies!

This is us counting our candy. We collected 567 lollies. After we sat and watched the movie "Epic. " It was epic. It tells the story about little people in the forest and this girl about 15 and she becomes small. I won't ruin the whole movie for you. After the movie we dozed off at midnight.

Well that was our Halloween celebration. Our Halloween was awesome fun.
It was exiting, scary, and creepy.


 Oh, and on another note,we went to camp last week. The weather was awesome till it rained on the last day at pick up time. Since it was cool our cabin leaders kept the fire stoked up high all night.  Every since I was a baby I've always hated being too hot when I sleep. I was melting.

We played a night game called trick or trucking. It's where we race around the trucks that the leaders drive and they throw us candy.

We had to get up at 7:30 and breakfast was at 8. I usually sleep in on weekends, but I really enjoyed going away camping.

Bye, Sienna

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Skaha Bluffs

Bonjour, this is Sienna, if u didn't know.
Here's another short blog post about last weekend when we went HIKING.

Ok, so we went up the Skaha Bluffs. My family and friends sat on rocks looking at the scenery and climbed hills and had tons of fun doing it.
Last... November, I think, we went to Skaha bluffs. Now yesterday with our friends and family we went back there again.
My friend Bailey came with us, and Jera had a friend, Ben.
This is Bailey (purple jacket, brown hair), Me ( blonde hair, blue shirt), Ben (backpack, white shirt) Jera ( brown hair, white hat). We're looking out at the beautiful horizon.
We hiked up that hill and just sat, because it was exhausting.


We had soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun.

 Along the way, Bailey dropped her Nesta Green tea.  We tried to go down and get it but we couldn't because it was too dangerous.
R.I.P ICE TEA. Poor Ice tea.

We climbed and climbed. There were endless rocks and hills.
We even saw people rock climbing and abseiling down the cliffs. 
Then me and my Friendie posed for some pictures that my mom took.


After we went down the step hill. Then we threw so many rocks into the lake. We decided to come back just as the sun was setting. We spent an awesome fun day with our family and friends.       

Thursday 17 October 2013

Bonjour gens, c'est un poste aléatoire

привет, I'm back. Hello AGAIN. So Halloween is coming up!


Last weekend we decided to go to a pumpkin patch to gather some pumpkins to decorate our front porch. We collected pumpkins of all different sizes.
First I picked my favorite pumpkin. Guess what I named him... BOB. My family and I went to Oliver to pick Bob and his friends to take home, some to decorate and some to cook into pumpkin soup.

Me holding Bob before I cut him in half and killed him. Not to be mean or anything.
1. Kill the pumpkin. Hee Heee (devil smile)
2. Look pretty like you didn't do anything wrong.
                                                                The end product.

For Halloween, I'm going to be Mabel, from my Favorite Tv show Gravity Falls. Jera (my brother) is going to be Dipper. Here's a picture of them in their Halloween costumes from the show.
Mabel and Dipper are 12 year old twins. They remind me of Jera and me. Mabel even has braces, like me.

Me, my friend Matraya and Jera are all going to stay up and watch a movie and eat our candy after we finish trick -o- treating. This is my last year, so I'm going to get as much candy as possible. :)

Guess what! I'm awesome! Lol!
For school I'm doing a report on LOLLYPOPS!
I've finished the introductory paragraph and I'm working on the research.

Anyway I LOVE Lollypops
Also I'm going back to Maple Springs Bible Camp. I went there over the summer and it was awesome. We played field games. Went to the beach and made campfires. Sung songs, and had tons of fun.

In the afternoons we had the choice of different activities. There were 8 activities. I can name them all but you could only pick 6 out of 8. I picked (keep in mind it was summer) Water sports, Field sports, Drama, Music... ( I forget the rest).

At night we played Mission Impossible. We had to get four objects. (a knife, a fork, a glowstick, a plate). I only got up to the glowstick (which was the first item). It was so hard to find everything in the dark.

Everyday, at one, we got to pick a bag of candy. It's called Tuck Time.
The summer Maple Springs trip lasted 8 days! I'm going this weekend.
It's only for a weekend this time not a whole week like in summer.

This is the whole Maple Springs group. This was called Chapel time. We do it every night before bed and in the morning after breakfast. Can you see Jera and me?

So anyway....
The weather is getting colder. It gets to 15 degrees most days now.

COLD (well not really). But I miss the summer sun.

Before I go JOKE TIME again.

Knock Knock
Whos there
Lunch who?
If u want lunch get it yourself


(not funny 'bye)

Hello people, this is a random note: Bonjour gens, c'est un poste aléatoire
Hello: привет



Tuesday 1 October 2013

!School, Fish, Summer!

                                   મહત્તમ, people who read my blog.
It's me. If u still don't know who "Me" is yet after 12 months. It's "Me," the twelve year old girl (that's now 13) named Sienna Nichols!

Over the summer we didn't do that much. We mostly just hung out at the beach having fun.
That's me in the green top with the orange pants pushing my friend Morgan, lol, on my 13 birthday. This pic was taken at Skaha Lake. My brother is the second one in the water with the blue shirt and the goggles. It was his birthday too.
This is the day I turned 13. We had all our friends over, rented a jumping castle, went to beach and just hung out. It was so much fun. I went to sleep about 4 am. If ur wondering about the photo, I got my hair dyed and straightened at Cherry Lane shopping center in Chatters. I was so excited to have it dyed but it totally didn't work. It washed off when we went to Skaha beach and  jumped off the dock. I was so disappointed because I love doing different things with my hair.
This is a pic of us opening our presents (August 4). I got lots of great things.
In the photo is Buddy (our dog), lying on the floor near me, me pink shirt, Matraya green Hello Kitty tank top, Morgan in the black top. The boys are, Ben, black glasses blue top, Thomas, Thumbs up brown hair and Jera MY TWIN bro with the long hair.

(Me) in the middle. Matraya on the right. Morgan on the left, posing for a picture on our front porch.

Now I'm back at school. Grade 8. YAY! One of the first trips we went on this year was to Covert Farm in Oliver.
This is me eating some of the many varieties of grapes at the farm.
I love how the sun is reflecting (if u look carefully or enlarge the photo by clicking on it), u can see the glow around my grapes in a circle.
This a photo of the whole group who came with us to Covert Farm. I'm in the purple in the 3 row about the 4th person down. I'm the one leaning over. We're picking delicious strawberries in this picture. Yum! Yum!

 In other news... I GOT A FISH!

Ok calm down Shhh Shhh! LOL He're the  details...

Name: Bobo

Type: Betta fish

(It lives in my room)

Ok If ur bored and wanna find something interesting to do, look up Bobo on Goggle.
It means...


I'll just finish up with my usual joke.

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Fish who
Let's go fishing!

The end
See u on the flip side!
Comment jokes
Have a nice day

