Tuesday 23 September 2014

Late Update xD

こんにちは People who read my blog, I'm back after 7 months? Well, Hi again!

Over the summer I didn't do much, I completed my bucket list on September 21th by staying Up till 5am :)

                                           -Bucket List-
1. Feel like Summer
2. Go to the beach more then 6 times
3. Have 10+ Sluchys/Slurpees
4. Make a song
5. Have a double sleepover
6. Have a BQQ
7. Dunk in the water
8. Have a water fight
9. Turn 14
10.Get a job
11.Go to camp
12.Get a ran
13. Show mom how to do a loom
14. Teach myself how to do another loom (hexaflexa)
15. Have 10 sleepovers
17. Stay up all night
18. Watch Gravity Falls when it comes out, (on our birthday)

So That's what I completed over the Summer,
I miss Summer, it is my favorite season.

But now I'm thinking Of making a Fall Bucket List.
First thing on it is,
Jump in a pile of leaves :)


So recently, I have been into Anime.
It's all because my friend showed my one episode, Ouran Host Club) and I've been watch Anime every since.

Also I have watched Fruit Baskets, SAO and if it counts SAOffine

Now its September and yesterday was the last day of summer.

On the September 9th I sprained my arm doing a Axle at ice skating so I have had it in a sling for two weeks. But I'm going back to skating on Tuesday :)

I'm going to a homeschooler camp on the 25th of the whole weekend, its going to be lots of fun.

I almost forgot. I turned Fourteen on August 4th! We (Jera and me) had ten friends. It was awesome we went to the beach, had cake and a sleepover :)

I'm Officially Fourteen!

Well that's it for Today

Trazlate: こんにちは = Hello


Wednesday 21 May 2014

I'm Coming Home :)

I`m coming home, I'm coming home tell the world I'm coming home! - lyices by Skylor Gray

I`m going back to Pentiction on April 2nd 2014! Yay.
I can`t wait till I see my dog, Buddy and my adorable, cute fish Bobo! Also I can see all my friends too again!

While I was gone my Hamster Simsim died :(
Augest 19th 2012- December 18th 2013
So when I get back me and my family are going to have a funeral for him. I`m gonna to plant a rose over him like my Mom did for her dog.

After a looooonng(10hrs) plane flight were finally in Hilo, Hawaiì. We were welcomed by a warm sun a light breeze.

But after a few days the sun as diapered and the clouds and rain rolled in. :(
It has been raining of and on for 24hs :( lol

But we have had fun inside :)

Have a nice day
Hope its not raining for u

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Melbourne Days :)

Welcome To my 39th Blog Post, people of the world :)
This blog is about Melbourne!

So you're probably wondering what have I been up too....

March 13th:
Today we went shopping at Chadstone for the first time in 3 years,(Chadstone is a huge shopping mall). My Nana loves shopping for clothes. She probably goes shopping every two days.

March 14th: We just relaxed at home. Doing pretty much nothing.

March 15th: We went to Chadstone again today to get some food. I told you every 2 days, We also saw some cakes that looked like dogs, They were so adorable!

March 16th: My two best friends skyped me, it was great to see them again. Then later on, almost all of our family came for lunch! It wants so cool to see them  :)

March 17th: Today we went to the Library to get some school work done, but the internet was down so, we read a book instead.

March 18th: Didn't do really anything, Just school work.

March 19th: Today we went to look at a hire car to dive around in. We Feed the cute ducks also!

March 20th: Today we just hang around the house.

March 21th: We did an art product! It failed, but we are trying it again. It was really fun, it's you get a balloon and fill it up with 3 chocolate eggs. Then you dip the balloon in glue. After that, you wrap string around it and wait 24hs. Then you pop the balloon and you have this:

 After the art, we went Ice Skating! But, when we got there they fitted us with really crappy skates. We went on the ice anyway, I could not do any turns or jumps because those skates. Instead me and Jera played Tag, That was Fun.

March 22: We almost went to the movies. Story time, we got tickets from our family to attended a movie. When we got there, the woman told us theses tickets were only Valid, Monday to Thursday, today's a Friday. We were disappointed but, dad said we can go on Monday.

March 23: Today we went to Visit our Cousins . I learnt "The Cup Song", I can almost do it! Jera and I are thinking of making our own "Cup Song" or try to do it all the way though. Also we sang songs together on Youtube, what an awesome night!

That's what I have been doing over the last couple of days.
Thanks for reading my 39th blog post.

Have a nice day

Monday 17 March 2014

Choo Choo :)

સ્પષ્ટ મહત્તમ people of the world. It's Sienna back with another blog post.

A few days ago we got up at 5:00 am  to get ready so we could get on a train to Melbourne!
We got on the train at 7:33 am and we were off, in First Class Daytime Sleeper!

 STORY TIME... It all started on a Thursday, we were walking back from the Sydney Opera House 

and we got a call...Before I tell you what the call was, I have to explain the night before.

We booked the tickets for the train, so they sent my Mum an e-mail letting us know what seats we were allocated.
Mum: Seat  46
Daddy:  Seat 43
Me: Seat 25
Jera: Seat 19

Crazy right!

Back to the call... so the ticketing agent called us, (we called him before), and my Mum asked if we could change seats.

He said, "It's a really a very full train"
My mum said, "We have kids, who wanna be near us"
He said he would look into it. After he checked, he answered, "I know you wanted to be with your kids so there are some spare seats in the Sleeper First Class!"


Next day, we got up at 5am to be ready to leave on the train. Our journey was from Sydney to Melbourne and it would be 10 1/2 hours. Although it was supposed to be only 10 and1/2, it actually took 12 hours!

On the train there was a Buffet Carriage, so Jera and I got lollies (candy) and Australian pies. Yum!

We also played Uno and looked out the window a lot :) We stopped at 20 stations along the way and a few times the train even had to stop for horses on the tracks.

When we arrived in Melbourne,we got a taxi and got our NANA AND POPS!


As I explained we haven't seen them in 3 YEARS!
Now I'm enjoying my morning with my Nana and Pop :)
It's full of hugs :)

Have a nice day

Friday 28 February 2014

Dear Math

I just wanted to share this because I thought it was funny Lol


Wednesday 26 February 2014

Veggie Village

Hi, this is Sienna back to update with another blog post.
My friend Aliyah and I helping out at Veggie Village.

Veggie Village is a community garden were people get together and socialize and grow plants.
We helped little kids fill up there watering cans so they could water the plants.
A famous guest came to speak about taking care about the environment.

Here's a special guest game....
Can you guess who she is?     

  Here are some clues. 
She's famous.
She has a movie named after her.
Actress Julia Robert's played her in the movie.
She fights for environmental causes.
Check the bottom of my post for the answer.


I also helped prepare the food, set it out and clean up afterwards.
We all sat down to eat a yummy meal.
I love watermelon! 

Later that day we traveled down to Brisbane to take out hire car back.
The roads where busy with traffic. It was so hard to drive though the streets.
Finally, after 3 hours, we arrived at out destination.

Brisbane river was SOOOOO COOL
There was the huge community swimming pool along the riverside with sand like the beach and all.
We didn't go swimming because it was 7 pm at night. Still lots of people were still in the water.  

We walked along a bit and saw this huge ferriswheel.
My Mom and I wanted to go on it but, it was $25 a person.
Since all the shops were closing we had to get something to eat quickly so, we strolled down the shops to buy something. After we ordered, we sat down at a table and started to chat.
Then an ibis bird came up to us and sat under our table till we fed it some food. He was very tame.
We gave it some chips, so he was happy. Then he waddled away looking for more yummy food from some of the other diners.

Have a great day
answer: Erin Brockovitch

Sunday 23 February 2014

Australia? :D

G'day people of the world who are reading my blog.

                                          Guess where I am!!!

I'm in Australia, where it is even warmer then Hawai'i. It's 38 degrees in the daytime. But, only 20 degrees in the night.

We came here to renovate our old house because, our tenant who was renting our home in
Coolum Beach made a mess.

So now we're in Aus! My home country, where I was born.

Here's my old house. Lots of good memories here.

I haven't been in this house for about three years. And, I haven't lived in it since I was six!
 Two days after we arrived in Australia, a guy came and said he would buy it, if we just do some minor touch ups. Yay!

So in a few weeks, we're going to travel down to our Nana and Pop's and visit them! I can't wait as I haven't seen them in three years. Well, we do talk on Skype and phone them but, that's never the same.

A few days ago we went to the beach, IT HAD WAVES!

Not like Pentiction's beaches where the water is just flat and boring because it has no waves.
No offence Pentiction's beaches.
And when you walk in the water, it is warm!
I'm so coool :D
Peace People Peace!

The Wind is actually holding up my boogie board like this. No Hands!!!
This looks like my knee is holding it but it isn't. It's the wind again!
So cool right? The pressure of the strong wind which was coming off the water. 
We spent a few hours there with our old friends,(nice to see them again.) Then we all walked over to the shops to get a Slushy (Slurpee in Aus).

I still remember Coolum Beach. Although, it has changed a lot over the three years. There are new stores and shops all over the town. But, when I walked down it for the first time, all the memories flooded back in my brain.

I'm enjoying my little trip so much, even though I miss my friends back in Canada.
See you in the next blog post.
(thanks for so many views)



This is my Lollipop Collage.

                                    I LOVE   LOLLIPOPS!!!!!!!

-Sienna - A random post.

An Extra Day :D

Hallo, people who read my blog! I'm back with yet another blog post!

 An unexpected delay occurred after spending four hours on the tarmac.
All we wanted to do was leave Hawai'i!
The overhead speaker came on and said, "This plane won't take off today, so we're putting all of you up at the Hilton Resort!!!"

I felt like I wanted to scream. The Hilton is a really fancy place!
Plus, they also gave us a $30 coupon for dinner each, $120 dollars to spend on dinner.

(Check out my brother Jera's blog for more)
Us just hang out in the pool. Most of the water slides were closed but the pool was still open.
So for about 1hr before dinner we swam! The Hilton was so cool!

At the Hilton, they even have their own beach, where I built this awesome sandcastle. It was kinda hard because the waves kept on knocking it over. In hindsight, I should have built it further up the beach, away from the waves.

Turtles and penguins  are soooooo cute! Their habitat was a pond at the Hilton. Don't worry they weren't penguins from the Arctic. They're African penguins, so they're used to the hot climate.
There was this one penguin who could not stop looking at himself in the mirror.
The turtles were just lazy no action from them, except one who swam up to us. 

See this beautiful harbor?
On December 7th 1941, Pearl Habor was bombed by the Japanese.
That's when America entered Would War 2. 
In August 1945, America dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan cities (Nagasaki, Hiroshima)
Little Boy was dropped on August 6, and fat Man was dropped August 9th.
The bombs destroyed their whole cities.
60,000 to 70,000 people died in the destruction. For months after many people died from burns and radiation sickness.
Sadly, for decades, babies in Japan were born with genetic deformities, because the radiation fall out.
That's when Japan ceased fighting in World War 2 .
Have a moment of silence or those who died

Pearl Harbor Memorial

At the Pacific Aviation Museum they had artifacts from planes and bombs from World War 2.
It was a really cool exhibition. See Jera's blog for more details. http://jeranichols.blogspot.ca/

Have a nice day

Sunday 16 February 2014

Onizuka Science Day :)

Oi, welcome to another blog post.
This post is about, SCIENCE DAAYYYY!

A few weeks ago, we went to a Science day. We got to choose two out of twenty activity's to do. I picked
-Making cupcakes
-Squishy Monsters
Making Cupcakes: Pretty easy to guess what you do in this activity. MAKE CUPCAKES!!
Well you don't get to bake them, just decorate them with icing. I love to bake cakes and cupcakes so this was a great activity for me, plus you got to eat them, bonus!
Aren't these yummy!

This is my cupcake. I put every different kind of icing on it that they had. The cupcake beside it is my mum's. It's really pretty isn't it? It looks like an Hawaiian beach.

 At Lunch there were activities you could play. Like this one, which I mastered :) It was a so easy. The questions were like: 'Where is the Spaceship?"
I think it was meant for younger minds.

After the activities we sat down to eat our free lunch. Our lunch contained a ham sandwich, a pack of chips and a juice box.

In the afternoon we had an another session called Squishy Monsters. It was a class where we learnt about creating electric circuits using wires which you needed to connect.
We used different colored special clay. One had salt in it and the other had sugar in the ingredients. The salt in the clay acted as a conductor of electricity. Whereas, the sugar in the clay acted as an insulator. In other words, one would let the electrical current in and the other would block it. We had to connect the wires to make a circuit to turn the lights on.

You got to make these funny little clay monsters out of them.

 After we finished our activities there was a Science Magic Show. The guy who did it was a high school teacher, who was really funny. I would love him as my Science High School teacher.
The Magic Show was cool because he made rockets explode, got kids up to demonstrate fun activities and did other interesting science experiments.

The Science Day was dedicated to Ellison Onizuka. He was one of the astronauts who was on the Challenger Space Shuttle when it exploded 73 secs after it rocketed into space, back in 1986. Ellison Onizuka grew up on the Big Island of Hawai'i.
His brother came to talk at the science day.

Onizuka Science Day was so much fun. We learnt all about Space Science.
Haven't done a joke in a while
Knock Knock
Who's there?
You Who
You who over here.
Have a nice day

Monday 3 February 2014

Beach Daze!!

हाय, this is Sienna back with a another blog post.

Today my family and I went SAILING! YAY

This is black sand beach near where we're living in Hilo. The black sand is really crushed lava rock. But it is not hard to sit on it just feel like normal sand. See the bunch of trees over in the back corner, behind that is Uncle Billy's (where were staying). It's a really great place.

Jera and me at Uncle Billy's

Jera and I decided to test the water. We love to jump the carm waves. Its actually really fun. I pretend there little tittle waves and we run away from them before we get hit.
In this photo I'm helping Jera by pulling up the dagger board so we can go sailing. I was scared at first because I'm a little scared of boats. But after we sailed a while, it was more relaxing instead of scary. Still I wouldn't let Jera go out too far.
Here is us, out on the sea of calm water. See I'm out pretty far. It was just me and Jera and the sea. After a little while we started to turn back to the shore. Maybe I might go on a boat again.
After sailing  Dad, Jera, Mum and me sat down to munch on a late lunch.

 Ready, Aim...    
I've been having a lot of fun learning archery. This week I even scored two bullseyes!
We do archery every Wednesday  and Friday. Wednesday is quieter than Friday as there;s not so many players. 
I'm really enjoying archery. Maybe I'll even take it up when I go back to Canada.

Mahalo for reading my blog post
Hope you enjoyed

Friday 31 January 2014

Trees Trees everywere! :)

Hej, this is Sienna back with another quick blog post.

 I've always liked to sit in trees. When you sit in them you feel connected to nature.
This is a tree at Coconut Island isn't she beautiful?

Tall palm tree? Well here's a surprise, it's TWO pictures but the same tree :O
In Hilo there are lots of palm trees everywhere you look. Some lining the shopping malls and  parking lots and all down the streets.

Welcome to The Magical Forest.
In the Magical Forest there are huge trees!
Just like this one I'm standing under.
I actually tried to climb this huge, magical tree. I only climbed up to the second branch.
This is a banyan tree.


Picture of  Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
When Amelia was little she always had the dream to fly. 

Amelia's first attempt was on March 17, 1937 
she made it to Honolulu, Hawaii  then crashed. She flew west from the US in her first attempt.

On her second attempt, she took off from New Guinea and was headed to a small remote island but she was never heard of again. They believe her plan ran out of fuel and crashed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. She almost flew all the way around the World. She still 7,000 miles to go.

She is famous today because she was the first woman to attempt to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and attempt to fly around the world. She was also one of the first women pilots.

On Banyan Dr where we have been staying there is a tree with her name on it to honor her. 
This is me and Jera standing next to Amelia Earhart.

Thanks for reading this blog post about Amelia Earhart.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Places Places

Hiujambo, this is Sienna, back with another blog post!

This is King Kamehameha or should I say  King Kalani Paiʻea Wohi o Kaleikini Kealiʻikui Kamehameha o ʻIolani i Kaiwikapu kauʻi Ka Liholiho Kūnuiākea of the Hawaiian Islands. 
What a name!

He was king from 1758-1819 (because, in 1819,when he was 60, he died.)

When he was born, King Kamehameha's mother hid her son from everyone. Finally, when he was age five, he was allowed out of hiding. From then on, his uncle trained him to be the ultimate warrior. His uncle ruled most of the Hawaiian Islands,when he died kingship of the islands was handed down to King Kamehameha.

The people of Hawai'i believed in a god inside the volcano, (Pele the god of the Volcano). To stop it erupting he threw pretty young woman in there. The women thought it was a honour to be thrown in the volcano. Even though they sacrificed the young womans lives Pele stayed the same. The young woman were just wasting there lives for this god. But King Kamehameha thought it helped that's why he did it.


  Do you know the stone in front of the Hilo Library? If not there is a famous stone in front of the Hilo library that's 5,000 pounds!! Could you lift that?
Well, you would be like everyone in the whole village!
King Kamhameha lifted this as legend said.

After we left King Kamhameha, my family and I visited
The Pana'ewa Petting Zoo
Where their is a diversity of animals, ranging from turtles to tigers and parrots to pigs.

 This is a Goat. I was feeding it grass and grains. He is adorable, his hair felt rough against your fingers.

Did you know pigs love to get their back scratched?  But, this one just loved it's food, didn't really care if we scratched it's back or not.

This is a guinea pig (as you probably know) you might have one at home. 
Her name is Coco
Coco loves attention! She really likes it when you scratched under her chin.

Coco reminds me of my guinea pig I had when I was four.
My guinea pig's name was Serafina. Serafina loved to eat paper for some reason. Then one day we left her outside in the burning summer heat (not on purpose) and killed them.

Serafina's up there now

Thanks for reading my blog post
Have a nice day :)

Hiujambo (Hi)
